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Federal Budget 101.
How does the budget process work, anyway?

This pdf document provides a month-by-month breakdown of key steps in the process used by Congress to pass its budget resolution. It also includes, at each step of the way, recommendations for what grassroots organizations may do to impact the congressional budget process.

download: Congressional Budget Process: A Timeline & Opportunities for Action (PDF download, 554kb)

download: Forthcoming piece about process rules (PDF download, SIZE)

Key actors in the budget process. This document lists the key actors that will influence the congressional budget process in the House and Senate, as well as secondary actors that will have influence over the final outcome. In addition to members of the House and Senate Budget Committees, congressional leaders, moderate Republicans and conservative Democrats will play an enormously important role.

download: Key actors in budget process (PDF download, 37k)

One mechanism available to budget hawks in Congress is "budget reconciliation." This mechanism allows Congress to force quick action on cuts to federal entitlement programs (like Medicaid or welfare) and to force action on tax changes. This document provides a brief description of the process, why it matters and which programs it may impact.

download: What is budget reconcilitation and why should you care about it? (PDF download, 31k)

Budget Values: The Rich Get Richer, The Rest Get Cuts
Talking Points: Quick facts and links about the President’s budget choices, why they reflect the wrong values and priorities for our country, and what you can do about it.

download: Budget Values: The Rich Get Richer, The Rest Get Cuts (PDF download, 27k)

Budget reaction press statement template
This Word document provides a sample press statement which local groups can customize for distribution. Press statements should be one page long and include contact information for your organization. Instructions are in bold. Be sure to insert local names, statistics and stories where indicated.

download: Budget reaction press statement template (MS Word doc download, 29k)

Letter to the editor template
This Word document provides a sample letter to the editor which local groups can customize for submission to their local newspaper. Letters to the editor should be short and concise, and must include contact information in order to be considered for printing.

download: Letter to the editor template (MS Word doc download, 27k)


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